Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Crops can be harvested tea leaves generally

Crops can be harvested tea leaves generally begin in constant after the age of 5 years. With good maintenance tea plants can give a result that is large enough tea leaves for 40 years. Tea gardens should therefore continue to get regular fertilizing, pest attack disease-free plants, acquiring a good pruning, obtaining adequate rainfall. Tea gardens have rejuvenated after her tea plants are 40 years or older. Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia Tea plants can thrive in areas with an altitude of 200-2000 m above sea level. In areas of low tea plants are generally less able to yield high enough. Tea plants require land and water absorbent. Crops are not resistant to drought and require a minimum rainfall of 1,200 mm is evenly distributed throughout the year. The results obtained from the tea leaves of the tea plant shoots are harvested once with an interval of 7 to 14 days, depending on the condition of crops in each region. How citation leaf tea as well as influence the outcome, determines the quality of the tea produced. Differentiated manner citation fine (fine plucking) and gross pewmetikan way (coarse plucking). Picking leaves up to now is still done by human power, but most of the female energies. To produce good quality tea should be fine picking, that is: just pick two leaves, shoots and leaves underneath. Some are doing the plucking medium, also citing the fine from the third leaf below the leaf buds. Gross citation often was done bebewrapa Plantation (people), namely: the plucking leaves, shoots with three or more leaves under it, including the trunk. Tea plantations concentrated in middle and high plains in Java, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Bengkulu, South Sumatra. In 1990 the vast tea plantations in Indonesia 129 500 ha. Tea production in 1998 reached 136 109 tons. Botanical classification of tea plants are as follows: Serie: Spermatopyta Sub: Angiospermae Grade: Dicotyledonae Family: Transtroemiaceae

Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to Grow Paprika is Good And Right

How to Grow Paprika is Good And Right
When it grew and emerged 5-7 leaves and strong enough to be appointed , then the plant has been able to be moved to the actual land . Planting is done on land or above 16.00 in the morning between 06.00 to 08.00 . This is intended to avoid

stress on the plants if exposed to the sun. After that , the plants should be kept moist . Pepper plants will start flowering after two to four weeks .
As long as it's good crop cultivation takes place is given shade / shade . This is done because the pepper is a plant which is very sensitive to light intensity . Shade can be made of plastic or can be menggunalan higher plants as a protector . Plant peppers given shade will produce better fruit . During planting , pruning should be conducted vegetative shoots that often appear on the main trunk . Prune so that the plant can grow up without a lot of branches . In addition , it should also be done trimming flowers . If on one stem grows two to three flowers , then who is left quite an interest only in order to avoid absorption of nutrients from food competition .
4 . Disorders and CountermeasuresIn any agricultural or plantation activities , there must be potential interference . Likewise with peppers planting activities . Disturbances in the form of peppers including diseases and pests . Diseases that arise usually influenced climate and soil conditions are too moist . For example, a disease that comes from meloydogin bacteria from soil . This bacterium causes the plant up and will not be short . To cope with the disease , usually paprika farmers make planting medium that is covered in black plastic silverware .
In addition , the cleanliness of the soil must be maintained. Do not flush the soil with dirty water , because that's where the disease usually occurs . While generally being a nuisance pest in peppers planting activity is the same JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA pests that attack with the other types of pepper plants . Those pests include thrips types , bermisia , mites , whiteflies , and aphids . Simple countermeasures that can be done by spraying the plants with a spray .

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Complete instructions Cultivation Method Maintenance Coffee Coffee

Complete instructions Cultivation Method Maintenance Coffee Coffee , Coffee plant is a plant that is very familiar in the yard of the rural population in Indonesia . If the tremendous potential we can use this commodity is not hard to make this a mainstay in coffee plantations . Just need a little touch of proper cultivation techniques , we undoubtedly optimistic expectations become reality .
Complete instructions Way Maintenance Coffee Coffee Cultivation

ABCBOLA.COM Agen Judi Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 Instructions Coffee Cultivation

For mountainous land / tilt for terrace .
Subtract / add fast growing shade trees approximately 1:4 to 1 : 8 of the amount of coffee plants .
Prepare ripe manure as much as 25-50 kg , distribute Natural GLIO , let stand one week and for planting hole 60 x 60 or 75 x 75 cm with a spacing of 2.5 × 2.5 to 2.75 x 2.75 m minimum 2 months before planting

Prepare quality seeds from trees that have been known production of breeder seed is usually reliable .
Create a box or bumbunan soil for seeding with a thick layer of sand about 5 cm .
Create the protective sheath or paranet with a gradual reduction if the seedlings have grown .
Flush nurseries routinely by looking at soil wetness .
Seeds will germinate in approximately 1 month , choose healthy seedlings and do transfer to polybags with hati2 that does not break the root seedling age 2 -3 months after the initial seeding .
Add NPK fertilizer as basal fertilizer ( see table ) until the age of 12 months .
Pour 1 tablespoon SUPERNASA dose per 10 liters of water , take 250 ml of the solution per tree .
After 4 months old seedlings spray cap NASA POC 2 per tank once a month until the age of 7-9 months and the seedlings are ready for planting .

Enter the manure with the top of the soil mix when planting seeds .
Try planting time the rainy season .
Do watering the soil after planting .
Avoid the risk of death from the new crop livestock disturbance .


Perform stitching immediately if the plant dies or symptoms of abnormal growth .
Stitching is done early rainy season .

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Mustard is not native to Indonesia , according to its origin in Asia . Because Indonesia has a match on the climate , weather and soil that developed in Indonesia .
Mustard plants can grow well in temperate or cold temperate heat , so it can be cultivated from lowland and highland . However in reality the better results obtained in the highlands .
Suitable planting area is ranging from a height of 5 meters up t
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAo 1,200 meters above sea level . But normally cultivated on an area that has a height of 100 meters to 500 meters above sea level .
Mustard plants resistant to rain water , so it can be planted throughout the year .
In the dry season to note is regular watering .
Due to the growth of these plants require cool air . more quickly when planted in a moist atmosphere . However, this plant is also unhappy at the water pooled . Thus , this plant is suitable when planted at the end of the rainy season .
Suitable land for planting mustard is loose soil , many containing humus , fertile , and water disposal well .
The degree of acidity ( pH) of the soil for optimum growth is between pH 6 to pH 7 .

PLANT CULTIVATION SAWIHow to raise real mustard not vary much with the cultivation of vegetables in general . Conventional cultivation on land include land processing , seed preparation , planting techniques , provision of fertilizers and pesticides , and plant maintenance .Mustard can be grown in monoculture or tunmpang cider . Plants that can be intercropped among others : dau onions , carrots , spinach , kale land. While there are a mustard seed planted directly but there is also a nursery through first.The following will discuss the conventional technique mustard cultivation in the land .
Seedling .

Seed is one of the critical success factors of farming . Good seeds will produce plants that grow nice .
Mustard seed requirement per hectare of arable land of 750 grams .
Mustard seed is round , small . Shiny smooth surface and a bit hard . Skin color is dark brown seeds .
Seeds that will be used must have a good quality , if we have to consider buying a long storage , varieties , water content , temperature and the store .
It also should pay attention to the packaging must be intact seeds . Good packaging is with aluminum foil .
If we use the seeds from the pananaman we should pay attention to the quality of the seed, for example, plants that seed should be taken as more than 70 days old .
And planting mustard seeds that will be AGEN JUDI POKER ONLINE, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAseparate from other mustard plants .
Also pay attention to the process that will be done for example by dianginkan , storage and use of seeds long expected no more than 3 years .