Sunday, May 11, 2014

Complete instructions Cultivation Method Maintenance Coffee Coffee

Complete instructions Cultivation Method Maintenance Coffee Coffee , Coffee plant is a plant that is very familiar in the yard of the rural population in Indonesia . If the tremendous potential we can use this commodity is not hard to make this a mainstay in coffee plantations . Just need a little touch of proper cultivation techniques , we undoubtedly optimistic expectations become reality .
Complete instructions Way Maintenance Coffee Coffee Cultivation

ABCBOLA.COM Agen Judi Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 Instructions Coffee Cultivation

For mountainous land / tilt for terrace .
Subtract / add fast growing shade trees approximately 1:4 to 1 : 8 of the amount of coffee plants .
Prepare ripe manure as much as 25-50 kg , distribute Natural GLIO , let stand one week and for planting hole 60 x 60 or 75 x 75 cm with a spacing of 2.5 × 2.5 to 2.75 x 2.75 m minimum 2 months before planting

Prepare quality seeds from trees that have been known production of breeder seed is usually reliable .
Create a box or bumbunan soil for seeding with a thick layer of sand about 5 cm .
Create the protective sheath or paranet with a gradual reduction if the seedlings have grown .
Flush nurseries routinely by looking at soil wetness .
Seeds will germinate in approximately 1 month , choose healthy seedlings and do transfer to polybags with hati2 that does not break the root seedling age 2 -3 months after the initial seeding .
Add NPK fertilizer as basal fertilizer ( see table ) until the age of 12 months .
Pour 1 tablespoon SUPERNASA dose per 10 liters of water , take 250 ml of the solution per tree .
After 4 months old seedlings spray cap NASA POC 2 per tank once a month until the age of 7-9 months and the seedlings are ready for planting .

Enter the manure with the top of the soil mix when planting seeds .
Try planting time the rainy season .
Do watering the soil after planting .
Avoid the risk of death from the new crop livestock disturbance .


Perform stitching immediately if the plant dies or symptoms of abnormal growth .
Stitching is done early rainy season .

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