Monday, June 16, 2014

Pearl oyster pearl round fitted core position

  Pearl oyster pearl round fitted core position settings need to be done at the beginning of the maintenance period, so that the core does not spit out. Besides the core incorporated place at the time of surgery should remain at the top.
Obat pembesar Penis Vimax    Core examination with X-rays done after the pearl oysters maintained for 2 ~ 3 months, with a view to determine if the core is mounted vomited or fixed in place.
Cleaning pearl oyster shells and cart maintenance should be done regularly; depending on the speed / abundance of organisms tacks.
Figure 2. Blister Pearl Core Installation
Round pearls can be harvested after maintained 1.5 ~ 2.5 years since the installation of the core, while the blister pearl can be harvested after 9 ~ 12 months.
Brochure Pearl Oyster Aquaculture, Mariculture Center, Directorate General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Lampung.
Center for Mariculture,Blood clams have two shells that can open and close using the adductor muscle in his body. Thick shell on the dorsal and ventral thin. The shell consists of three layers, namely (1) periostrakum is the outermost layer of chitin which serves as a protective (2) Prismatic layer composed of lime crystals shaped prism, (3) layers nakreas or often called mother of pearl layer, composed of layer of calcite (carbonate) are thin and parallel.

Jadwal BolaCalled the umbo and shell peak is the oldest part of the shell. The lines around the circular shell umbo showed growth. Pelecypoda shaped coat in a thin and wide network, cover the entire body and is located at the bottom of the shell. Some shells there that have a lot of eyes on the edge of his coat. Many of them have a lot of gills. Memilikikelamin generally separate, but some of which are hermaphroditic and can change sex.
Her legs shaped like an ax that can extended out flat. Foot scallop edging and serves to dig the mud or sand. Breathable shells with two gills and mantle piece. The gill-shaped sheets (lamella) which contains stem gills. Between the body and the mantle cavity mantle there is a way out water ingress.ReferralShellfish cultivation of virgin become an alternative business for fish farmers here after tiger shrimp which previously occupied the local farmers and the declining prospects are no longer profitable.
To reach the location of shellfish cultivation of virgin in Cirebon to Jakarta via toll road Jakarta - Cikampek. After exiting the toll gate, proceed down the p
Judi Bola Onlineath toward the northern coast village of Tawang Sari, Losari, Cirebon.

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